Hypertension Samples l Order Serum and Plasma Online

Hypertension Biospecimens for Research

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Procure Samples from Hypertension Patients in Just A Few Clicks

Hypertension is a silent killer disease affecting the normal functions of the cardiovascular system.It is one of the leading causes for premature death and disability among adults. According to WHO over a billion people live with hypertension globally. Long-standing elevated blood pressure can lead to life-threatening  conditions like stroke, heart attack, heart failure etc.

Causes of high blood pressure (hypertension):

Numerous factors have been linked to the development of high blood pressure symptoms or hypertension. It includes factors including a high salt diet, family history, a sedentary lifestyle, drinking alcohol and smoking, physical inactivity, stress, being older than 65, and obesity,lack of enough sleep etc.

Importance of human biospecimens study  in hypertensive heart disease research:

As we all know, hypertension has been a hot topic for researchers since ages. The search for newer anti-hypertensive drug treatment options and diagnostics is always at the priority to tackle the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. Despite many advancements in hypertension research, it is still unknown how primary hypertension, in particular, develops.

Recent research demonstrates that circulating blood biomarkers  in the cardiovascular disease samples can serve as an active indicator of the long-term consequences of hypertension. Troponin I (TnI), Troponin T (TnT), the brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), the N-terminal prohormone b-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP), myoglobin, creatine kinase-MB (CK-MB), D-dimer, and cystatin C are among blood biomarkers that are typically being studied. The risk of problems is mirrored by these blood indicators, which also forecast organ damage due to the long term effects of hypertension. Therefore, circulating biomarkers in human serum and plasma (hypertension samples) can be a promising tool for clarifying prognosis, diagnosis, treatment monitoring, and creating novel therapies and diagnostics.

Empowering research to improve hypertension diagnosis and treatment,  Central BioHub offers you a meticulous collection of well-annotated human biospecimens such as serum and plasma samples obtained from patients with hypertension symptoms of different ages, gender and ethnicities. The hypertension biospecimens are precisely tested and preserved at our biobank for research use.

Check out our inventory of hypertension patients samples and order directly from our online marketplace: https://centralbiohub.de/biospecimens/cardiovascular-diseases/hypertensive-disease 

Also, explore advanced search options to explore hypertensive disease samples and other heart disease samples by clicking clinical diagnosis, ICD-10-CM codes, and laboratory parameters.

High blood pressure cannot be cured permanently. However, prompt diagnosis and timely initiation of treatment with anti-hypertensive medication can control the abnormal rise in blood pressure and prevent associated complications. At the same time, adopting a healthier lifestyle can help to regulate blood pressure, especially at a very early stage.
Numerous factors have been linked to the development of hypertension. It includes factors including a high salt diet, family history, a sedentary lifestyle, drinking alcohol and smoking, being inactive, stress, being older than 65, and obesity,lack of enough sleep etc.
Aiming to empower research to accelerate the discovery of improved diagnosis and treatment of hypertension, Central BioHub provides you with a comprehensive collection of well-annotated human biospecimens collected from hypertensive patients of various ages, genders, and ethnicities. The samples are well-tested for cardiac biomarkers and available with clinical evaluation profiles, including medical, social and medication history. Hurry up, and order samples online from Central BioHub.
Hypertension biospecimens includes high-quality, well-annotated human serum and plasma samples collected from hypertensive patients of variety of ages, genders, and races collected exclusively for research and development.The samples are precisely measured for cardiac disease biomarkers such as troponin I (TnI), troponin T (TnT), brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), N-terminal prohormone b-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP), myoglobin, creatine kinase-MB (CK-MB), D-dimer, and cystatin C, etc